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Where is Uruguay?

My friends and others (mostly on visits to the States) have asked me where "Uru-what?" is...or "that place Paraguay where you are living". I give them a break though in that it is a bit difficult to find in the enormous continent of South America (but come on, it is not in Africa).

So here is a [new] map [so graciously sent to me] of South America. Uruguay is small, very small.

About the size of Missouri, and on the southeastern portion of the continent below the mammoth backyard of Brazil and north (and east) of airy Argentina, Uruguay quietly hangs out. Tranquilo.


Alfonso said...

OMFG!!! O_O It's like the island of Lost! Nobody knows where we are! XDDDD

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea Dom! It is true, not many people know where Uruguay is...


Anonymous said...

After we returned from our second month-long visit to UY, I learned through the grapevine that we were moving to Ecuador. Hey, close enough, no?

euge said...

lol i know im from Uruguay and people cant even pronounce it correctly! this blog is great for people that dont know about this beautiful country. Let me know if you need another writer/photographer!

P Riehl said...

Honduras and Spain have now been added to the list.

You're a what?

xuxi said...

I know what you mean.
Lots of my friends in California don't know where my homeland is! It's kind of easy to explain, I tell them "It's the longest in South America and skinny" hahaha Chile!

bath mateus said...

So nice your posting.
Everything looks good in your posting.
That will be necessary for all. Thanks for your posting.