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Did I just see a Monkey?

I spent last night wandering around the streets of downtown in search for a pub to meet the local couchsurfing crew here. I refuse to take taxis, and thus got very lost. At one point I realized there weren{t enough lights around, so I did the smart thing and turned around. But I found the pub, called Fun Fun about an hour and a half later than I should. Cool little venue, jazzy and latin at the same time. People here are very European. Before the bartender spoke, I thought he was going to come out at me with a thick Irish drawl. That dude was really white.

The bar scene would have been better if I understood the comedians on stage. They had the place rolling around in laughing fits, along with me sitting there not even feigning that I understood their humor. Or language for that matter. Some definite work to do.

Today I stopped by the Berlitz language school to apply for a position there. Not so much for the two cents an hour I can earn, but rather for more contact with the locals.

My property manager came by at 11AM to help a handy man fix my living room window. The prop manager and I got to talking about real estate - how long he{s been in the business, where are good investments, the taxes, the prices on some places, and before I knew it we had made an agreement that he is going to be my guy. I like him, I do trust him, and I think this is the one I have been looking for. We are going out and looking around on Friday...can{t wait.

After meeting with the prop manager I went to meet with the Spanish tutor that I decided on before I came out. Two hours of one on one lessons for every weekday - 75 dollars. That is it. And this guy is legit to. I told him to smack the gringo accent out of my mouth (as best I could in Spanish anyways). He has a heavy task, but I have faith in him at least.

Dom being that guy, a walk for about 5 hours sandals. This place is beautiful, not so beautiful, intriguing, and seemingly forgotten all at the same time. Interesting stuff. But not as interesting as seeing at least 10 over 60 yr old men walking around with their shirts off. Sure we were by the beach, but there seems to be a rule here. If you are over 60 and within 20 metres of the beach, take your shirt off or be punished.

Off to meet a local tonight that I met via Facebook. Oh ya, and the friend who picked me up from the airport I met via Facebook. Up until this point in Montevideo, I owe ALOT to social networking. The airport pick up, my apartment, friends to meet up with at night, possibly an English job, and hopefully more. We shall see.

Oh, pictures will be coming up soon. Oh number two - this morning I looked outside of my kitchen window and saw a live, real monkey hanging on a branch. I love moments like that.


Ki to Kokoro said...
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Ki to Kokoro said...

Sorry, was just trying to post last one, now to the real comment... SAY WHAT???!! A Monkey in a branch real time live in Ciudad Vieja??? What have i done my last 28 years living here that i never seen one?

Let the pictures come!

Dom said...

Hey Ki,

That is the best shot I have as of now. Apparently this little guy drinks mate with his 'parents' and likes to clean windows with a wash clothe. There are probably more stories to come...stay tuned!