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Carnival Carnaval Montevideo 2009 Schedule

Montevideo is the Ibero-American Capital of Carnival for 2009 and 2010 - there are a lot of shows, parties, and parades to see. I have been trying to figure out where to go, what to see, and when the Carnival shows will be taking place for too long now. After googling around for awhile I came to the conclusion that there isn't a good site for everything that is happening (in Spanish or English). So I thought breaking down the basics of Carnival in February and March would be nice (and hopefully with some comments from readers we can put this schedule to rest!):

Parades - there are three main parades given:

Inaugural Parade (already happened): Feb 2 along 18 de Julio
Las Llamadas (already happened): Feb 5,6 along street Isla de Flores
Samba School 2009: Februrary 12th at 20:30 along Avenida 8 de Octubre

Tablados (Stages)

These are the Murgas, Humoristas, Parodistas, Revistas, and Comparsa de Negros y Lubolos (Candombe) that give performances all around Montevideo. During the Carnival season these groups compete with one another. The winners/finalists of each group will ultimately perform in the Teatro de Verano in March. This date is unknown as of yet (either because they don't know it yet, I can't find it, or a combination of the two?).

Teatro de Verano, for example, has nightly shows comprised of four acts each night up until Feb 16th (at least). Other locations in the neighborhood of Prado and Tres Cruces give shows as well.


Sigi said...

I had the same issues trying to find out what is going on at which date. I'm planning to stay in Montevideo from the 17th to the 20th of February. My Spanish is rather poor however I did find this page helpful as it is listing dates and locations:

Hope you're having a great time in Montevideo!

Dom said...

Hey Sigi,

That is a great website, agreed! Check out this website for detailed little neighborhood parades as well:

Welcome to Montevideo (ahead of time)!