CEIBAL (a Spanish acronym that stands for Basic Computer Connectivity in Education for Online Learning, but also coincides with the name of Uruguay’s national tree, the Ceibo), seeks to promote digital equality and to democratize knowledge.
For nearly a year this program has been in effect, but the computers have apparently been handed out to more and more primary school children until now (all 380,000 of them now have these small laptops). The computers are donated by an NGO from Massachusetts.
Tests on whether or not this has been working with the children's education are due to begin very soon.
Either way though, and once again, rock on Uruguay!!!!!
I'm not so sure about the effectiveness (is that spelled correctly? Y don't know xD) of those computers on the education of children, but well, we're gonna have to wait :/
"The computers are donated by an NGO from Massachusetts." This is a Error...
Hi Marco,
Do you know where the computers come from? I read this in The Economist; I would love to hear what you know! The article: http://www.economist.com/world/americas/displaystory.cfm?story_id=14558609
The computers do come from a NGO from Massachusetts, but they are not donated. The Uruguayan government pays for them. No freebies...
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