There are clearly bonuses and pros of having such a relaxed ambiance...until you really need something in 10 minutes, or one week, or whatever.
I had been frustrated with my apartment's "complications" for the previous three weeks. The final date of it's completion was pushed back three times for no apparent reason. Then I smelled gas leaking from my stove's tank. "Oh no. I will sit here for two days filling up my apartment with gaseous fumes waiting for a methodically mellowly slow gas technician to help me out" was my thinking.
I call at 7pm to ask for help, and I am returned with an astonishing, "We will have someone there within an hour." I couldn't believe my ears, and so I didn't. 'They will be here in 2 hours' went my thoughts.
Ring. 45 minutes had gone by, and already this glorious gas-fixer-man was at my door. Being so thrilled with the service, I had to snap a shot of in which he was very happy to take.
1 comment:
"Nunca digas nunca", dice el dicho...a mí también me sorprende mi país de vez en fantástico! No sé qué ha pasado con las compañías de gas pero todas funcionan así de bien creo. Además, la de ANCAP(otra diferente a la que tú llamaste), tiene un sistema, creo que de Gestión de la Calidad, y luego te llaman para corroborar si fuiste bien atendido, increíble no? Yo, en esos momentos me preguntaba "¿Estoy soñando?" Es tan simple hacer la diferencia...
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